Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Third Assignment

"Mary, time to get up!" yelled Mary's mother through the crack of her door. Mary slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She was sore from the day before because her father had her help him dig a ditch. It took them all day. When she had fullen awakened, Mary realized it was the day she and her friend Katherine were going to see a horse show. Mary was so panicked! The show was in 45 minutes and she had to take a shower and fix her hair, pick out some clothes, put her shoes on.
She picked out her outfit, then rushed into the bathroom and took a shower as fast as she could, which took her about 10 minutes.
Then she ran back into her room. While she was running, she knocked over her hairspray bottle which her brother had been fiddling with earlier. It spilled all over the outfit she had picked out. She heard her mother calling her in the distance: "Time to get up, Mary!"
She woke up and realized it was all a dream. And she wasn't really going to a horse show today.
Mary slowly got up from her bed, went into the bathroom and took a shower, and spread some mousse in her hair. She stared in surprise at the label. "Mousse? I thought it was spelled moose!" Oh well.
When she came out of her room and ate breakfast, her brother came into the kitchen and said, "Hey, Mom. Can you buy me a hammer, so that I can do an experiment on Mary's hairspray bottle?"
"No, Dickey," said their mom.



Anonymous said...
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Very fun!